Thursday, June 18, 2009

"The Ten Commandments for Business Failure" by Donald R Keogh

"The Ten Commandments for Business Failure" by Donald R Keogh is well written, thought provoking, and a good book for anyone who wants to run a successful business, department within a business, or just succeed in their career. Certainly real estate investors will benefit from Mr. Keogh's Ten Commandments. They are:
1. Quit taking risks
2. Be inflexible
3. Isolate yourself
4. Assume infallibility
5. Play the game close to the foul line
6. Don't take time to think
7. Put all your faith in experts and outside consultants
8. Love your bureaucracy
9. Send mixed messages
10.Be afraid of the future
11. (Bonus!) Lose your passion for work- for life

Each chapter is self-contained and a quick read. The style is first-person narrative and very accessible. The are good quotes and examples in each chapter- they stand on their own and collectively make for a good book.

The book is full of reminders- things that you will already know and will be glad to review. What the book does not provide is detailed "how to" remedy the sure step to failure- but their are a lot of detailed books or texts to fix the things that you identify as a challenge in your organization or in your life.

Enjoy this book for what it is: A quick, feel good book that will remind you of bad business practices to avoid and in turn good business practices to put in place.

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